
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

32 Weeks- We Made It!

Another milestone in the books! We made it to 32 weeks and made it through 2 whole weeks at the hospital. With the holidays it was actually a really busy few weeks and went by fast. Plus I have had a ton of visitors to keep me company. Thank you to everyone who has come out. I can't possibly list every person who has visited since the start but I do want to say a big thank you to Ross and Sarah for coming all the way from California. Well maybe they were here for the holidays to visit family but they made time to come out to the hospital and it made my day!
The nurses monitor the babies and I every day and so far we are all still doing great. My blood pressure has stabilized and there is almost no protein in my urine so the immediate risks of pre-eclampsia have appeared to subside- great news! The babies have excellent heart tones, movement, fluid levels, and practice breathing (so they'll be ready for the big day!). They measured the babies this week and gave me their estimated weights. Although they don't think Sarah's weight is accurate (they couldn't get a good measurement on my "low in the pelvis" baby) they say she is at least 3 lbs. 13 oz. They did say she is probably actually over 4 lbs. They believe Jake's and Luke's weights are more accurate. Jake is estimated at 4 lbs. 1 oz. and Luke at 4 lbs. 9 oz. So I have like over 12 1/2 lbs of baby in there yikes! The belly is still growing at a super fast pace. I have posted a new pic below. Sorry it's a little blurry. I was alone and had to do the self-portrait thing. And the babies and I still enjoy visitors so come see us. We moved to a new room with a better view of the city. We are in room 126 in the Women's Pavillion. And we won't be going home anytime soon!


  1. so glad you are posting!! glad you are doing soo good!

  2. Yay for healthy babies!!! I'm so glad to hear you and the babies are doing so well! I love your cute belly and I wish I was there to hang out with you! Give that belly a rub for me! LOVE YOU!!!!

  3. You are doing a great job mommy. The babies are so well taken care of they may not be happy being pulled out. LOL
