Now, onto what they are doing these days...
- Everyone is still sleeping and eating well. We are feeding them breast milk/formula and stage 2 baby food.
- The munchkins still sleep through the night (thank goodness) but do not nap as long or as frequently as they used to.
- All 3 babies can stand (as long as someone is steadying them), can sit supported with a pillow or if we help them lean on their own arms, and can easily roll from their back to their tummy and then onto their back again.
- All 3 do a roll or crawl motion that can propel them anywhere they want to go although it is not a full crawl yet.
- All 3 are teething very badly but no teeth have pushed through yet. The babies chew endlessly on anything they can get in their mouths- teething rings, blankets, toys, paper, etc.
- Also, all 3 are very wiggly during diaper changes now. We've had to start using the belt that comes with the changing table to keep them in place.
- Another exciting thing all 3 are doing now is babbling. They all babble "ma ma ma ma" or "da da da da" or "ba ba ba ba" but no actual words yet.
- Their favorite toys right now are their exersaucer, the musical helicopter, & any toys that crinkle (especially the butterfly). It is so neat to see them discovering and learning new things. They are at a stage now where they want to touch and explore everything. They touch our faces a lot and watch our mouths move. You can tell they are trying to learn and imitate. It's so fun!
- Using our home scale, Sarah weighed in at roughly 19 lbs, Jake 21 1/2 lbs, and Luke 20 lbs. They are growing so fast. I can't wait until their October appointment to get the official length and weight measurements.
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ReplyDeleteHey Kelly, I found your blog when I was googling IVF treatment results. I just want to comment on you babies they are such beautiful angels. You and hubby are truely blessed! It took me a whole of 3 days to catch up but I did it and was not fired lol. Hope you all have a truely blessed day . . .
love the 8 month picture!!! you can so see their little personalities :)