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Thursday, November 25, 2010

So many reasons to be thankful

I just don't think it's possible to be thankful enough for all of our blessings. But I will try. I am so thankful for my hubby. I am so thankful for wonderful family and friends. I am so thankful for a home, for food, & for a job I love. And of course, most of all, I'm thankful for the trio. Two years ago on turkey day, we were just 5 days past losing our daughter Leyna. Honestly, we were so heartbroken, I don't even remember much about the day. I was just trapped in a cloud of sadness.

Last year, I was in a much happier place, but the uncertainty about the triplets had me on edge. I was only 27 weeks and 2 days pregnant. If they had been born then, they would have been in the NICU for months. I had no idea how far the pregnancy could go. Luckily, they stayed put for another 5 weeks. By November I had gotten my appetite back and was really craving some turkey. In fact, I didn't get enough with the actual meal and leftovers. Kurt went out a got me a small turkey that I ate all by myself over the course of a week. Crazy!
This year was the triplets' first official Thanksgiving. We started the day with our traditional breakfast at Nanny's house. Unfortunately, we left the triplets' bottles at home so I had to rush back out to Kroger to get some formula. I was so happy they were open! Then we had all the family over to our house for Thanksgiving dinner. It was fun but busy! And to top it all off, both Kurt and I as well as the trio have colds. But we didn't let it ruin our day. Now, all I can think about is taking some NyQuil and crawling into my warm and cozy bed. It's calling my name!


  1. I love those cute little faces!!!!! I feel you on the cold Kel, we've been trying to fight one off ourselves, but I think it's winning. :) I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving...give those bugs a kiss from us!

  2. I will think of you guys always around this time of year... not only for the loss of sweet Leyna, but also for knowing that you were pregnant with those precious three and so praying and hoping for healthy babies, pregnancy and delivery... You guys have been through alot, and God has surely smiled on you this past year. You are a wonderful mother, and I am blessed to know you. xoxoox - Mere
